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See also modifications of fluorophores for specific studies, in “dyes in biosensor” section

*= key reference

*MacNevin, C.J., Gremyachinskiy, D., Hsu, C.W., Li L., Rougie, M., Davis, T.T., Hahn, K.M. Environment-sensing merocyanine dyes for live cell imaging applications. Bioconjug. Chem., 24(2):215-23, 2013. PMC3667669. Online article | Free PMC article

*Toutchkine, A., Dan-Vinh Nguyen, D., and Hahn, K.M. Merocyanine dyes with improved photostability. Org. Lett., 9: 2775-2777, 2007. Online article | PDF

Toutchkine, A., Dan-Vinh Nguyen, D., and Hahn, K.M. Simple one-pot preparation of water-soluble, cysteine-reactive cyanine and merocyanine dyes for biological imaging. Bioconjugate Chem., 18:1344-1348, 2007. PMC3694264. Online article | Free PMC article

*Toutchkine, A., Kraynov, V., and Hahn, K.M. Solvent-Sensitive Dyes to Report Protein Conformational Changes in Living Cells. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 125:4132-4145, 2003. Online article | PDF

Toutchkine, A., Nalbant, P., and Hahn, K.M. Facile synthesis of thiol-reactive Cy3 and Cy5 derivatives with enhanced water solubility.  Bioconjugate Chem., 3:386-389, 2002. Onine article | PDF

Knauf, P.A., Law, F.Y., and Hahn, K.M.  An oxonol dye is the most potent known inhibitor of band 3-mediated anion exchangeAm. J. Physiol. (Cell Physiol.), C1073-C1077, 1995. Online article | PDF

Southwick, P., Hahn, K.M., Chao, J., Parry, P., Wagman, A.S., Wagner, M, and Waggoner, A.S.  A long wavelength biolabeling reagent based on the oxonol flurophore.  J. Fluorescence, 5(2): 231-235, 1995. Online article | PDF

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~ Updated 04/14/2021

© UNC Department of Pharmacology