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software for image analysis / modeling

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Allen, R., Welch, C., Pankow, N., *Hahn, K.M., and *Elston, T.C. Stochastic methods for inferring states of cell migration. Frontiers in Physiology: Systems Biology, 11: 822, 2020.  PMC7365915  Online article | Free PMC article

Jin, L., Liu, B. Zhao, F, Hahn, S. Dong, B., Song, R., Elston, T.C., Xu, Y., and Hahn, K.M. Deep learning enables structured illumination microscopy with low light levels and enhanced speed. Nature Communications,11(1): 1934, 2020. PMC7176720. Online article | Free PMC article

O'Shaugnessy, E.C., Stone, O.J., LaFosse, P.K., Azoitei, M.L., Tsygankov, D., Heddleston, J.M., Legant, W.R., Wittchen, E.S., Burridge, K., Elston, T.C., Betzig, E., Chew, T.L., Adalsteinsson, D., and Hahn, K.M. Software for lattice light-sheet imaging of FRET biosensors, illustrated with a new Rap1 biosensor. J. Cell Biol., 218(9): 3153-3160, 2019. PMC6719445. Online article | Free PMC article

Azoitei, M.L., Noh, J., Marston, D.J., Roudot, P., Marshall, C.B., Daugird, T.A., Lisanza, S.L., Sandí, M.J., Ikura, M., Sondek, J., Rottapel, R., *Hahn, K.M., and *Danuser, G. Spatiotemporal dynamics of GEF-H1 activation controlled by microtubule- and Src-mediated pathways. J. Cell Biol., 218(9): 3077-3097, 2019. PMC6719461. Online article | Free PMC article

Zhurikhina, A., Qi, T., Hahn, K.M., Elston, T.C., and Tsygankov, D. EdgeProps: A. Computational Platform for Correlative Analysis of Cell Dynamics and Near-Edge Protein Activity. Methods Mol Biol., 1821:47-56, 2018. PMC6566099. Online article | Free PMC article

Ma, X., Dagliyan, O., Hahn, K.M., and Danuser, G. Profiling cellular morphodynamics by spatiotemporal spectrum decomposition. PLoS Comput. Biol., 14(8):e1006321, 2018. PMC6091976. Online open access article | Free PMC article

Chu, P-H., Tsygankov, D., Berginski, M.E., Dagliyan, O., Gomez, S.M., Elston, T.C., Karginov, A.V. and Hahn, K.M. Engineered kinase activation reveals unique morphodynamic phenotypes and associated trafficking for Src family isoforms. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 111(34): 12420–12425, 2014. PMC4151743. Online article | Free PMC article

Tsygankov, D., Chu, P-H., Chen, H., Elston, T.C. and Hahn, K.M. User-friendly tools for quantifying the dynamics of cellular morphology and intracellular protein clusters. Methods Cell Biol., 123: 409-427, 2014. PMC4504218. Online article | Free PMC article

Tsygankov, D., Bilancia, C.G., Vitriol, E.A., Hahn, K.M., Peifer, M. and Elston, T.C. CellGeo: A computational platform for the analysis of shape changes in cells with complex geometries. J. Cell Biol., 204(3): 443-460, 2014. PMC3912527. Online article Free PMC article

Allen, R. J., Tsygankov, D., Zawistowski, J. S., Elston, T. C. and Hahn, K.M. Automated line scan analysis to quantify biosensor activity at the cell edge. Methods, 66(2014): 162–167, 2014. PMC4296898. Online article | Free PMC article

Hinde, E., Digman, M.A., Welch, C., Hahn, K.M. and Gratton, E. Biosensor FRET detection by the phasor approach to Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM). Microsc. Res. Tech., 75(3): 271-281, 2012.  PMC3523109 . Online article | Free PMC article

Berginski, M.E., Vitriol, E.A., *Hahn, K.M. and *Gomez, S.M. High-resolution quantification of focal adhesion spatiotemporal dynamics in living cells. PLoS ONE, 6: e22025, 2011. PMC3136503. Online article | Free PMC article

Malone, M.H., Sciaky, N., Stalheim, L., Hahn, K.M., Linney, E. and Johnson, G.L. Laser-scanning velocimetry: A confocal microscopy method for quantitative measurement of cardiovascular performance in zebrafish embryos and larvae. BMC Biotechnol., 7: 40, 2007. PMC1955438. Online article PDF | Free PMC article

Hodgson, L. Nalbant, P. Shen, F., and Hahn, K. Imaging and photobleach correction of Mero-CBD, sensor of endogenous Cdc42 activation. Methods Enzymol., 406:140-156, 2006. Online article | PDF

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