hahn lab

insertion analog

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Marston, D.J., Vilele, M., Huh, J., Ren, J., Azoitei, M., Glekas, G., *Danuser, G., *Sondek, J., and *Hahn, K.M. Multiplexed GTPase and GEF biosensor imaging enables network connectivity analysis.. Nature Chem. Biol., 16(8): 826-833, 2020. PMC7388658. Online article | Free PMC article

Azoitei, M.L., Noh, J., Marston, D.J., Roudot, P., Marshall, C.B., Daugird, T.A., Lisanza, S.L., Sandí, M.J., Ikura, M., Sondek, J., Rottapel, R., *Hahn, K.M., and *Danuser, G. Spatiotemporal dynamics of GEF-H1 activation controlled by microtubule- and Src-mediated pathways. J. Cell Biol., 218(9): 3077-3097, 2019. PMC6572722. Online article | Free PMC article


~ Updated 04/08/21

© UNC Department of Pharmacology