hahn lab

dye analog

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Environment-sensing dye covalently attached to the protein of interest.


Garrett, S.C., Hodgson, L., Rybin, A., Toutchkine, A., Hahn, K.M., Lawrence, D.S., and Bresnick, A.R. A Biosensor of S100A4 Metastasis Factor Activation: Inhibitor screening and Cellular Activation Dynamics. Biochemistry, 47:986-996, 2008. PMC3227476. Online article | Free PMC article

Hahn, K.M., R. DeBiasio and D.L. Taylor.  Patterns of elevated free calcium and calmodulin activation in living cells. Nature, 359:736-738, 1992. Online article | PDF

Hahn, K.M., A.S. Waggoner and D.L. Taylor.  A calcium-sensitive fluorescent analog of calmodulin based on a novel calmodulin- binding fluorophore.  J. Biol. Chem., 265: 20335-20345, 1990. Online article | PDF

Methods articles

Hodgson, L. Nalbant, P. Shen, F., and Hahn, K. Imaging and photobleach correction of Mero-CBD, sensor of endogenous Cdc42 activation. Methods Enzymol., 406:140-156, 2006. Online article | PDF


~ Updated 04/07/2021

© UNC Department of Pharmacology