hahn lab

reviews: biosensors

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O'Shaughnessy, E.C., Yi, J.J. and Hahn, K.M. Biosensors of GTPase proteins for use in living cells and animals, in Optical Probes in Biology, Zhang, J. and Schultz, C., editors, Taylor & Francis Books, Inc., 2015, Chp. 5, pp. 137-166. PDF

Welch, C.M., Elliott, H., Danuser, G. and Hahn, K.M. Imaging the coordination of multiple signaling activities in living cells. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 12: 749-756, 2011. PMC3773929. Online article | Free PMC article | Supplemental information PDF

Wang, Y.L., Hahn, K.M., Murphy, R.F. and Horwitz, A.F. From imaging to understanding: Frontiers in live cell imaging. J. Cell Biol.,174(4): 481-484, 2006. PMC2064253. Online article | Free PMC article

Pertz, O. and Hahn, K.M.  Designing biosensors for Rho family proteins – deciphering the dynamics of Rho family GTPase activation in living cells. J. Cell Sci., 117(8): 1313-1318, 2004. Online article | PDF

Gaits, F. and Hahn, K.M. Shedding light on cell signaling:  Interpretation of FRET biosensors. Science STKE, 2003(165): 3, 2003. Online article | PDF

Toutchkine, A. and Hahn, K. Live cell fluorescent biosensors for activated signaling proteins. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol., 14: 167-172, 2002. Online article | PDF

Chamberlain, C. E. and Hahn, K.M. Watching proteins in the wild – fluorescence methods to study protein dynamics in living cells. Traffic, 1: 755-762, 2000. Online article | PDF

Hahn, K.M., Kolega, J., Montibeller, J., DeBiasio, R., Post, P., Myers, J. and Taylor, D.L. Fluorescent analogs: Optical biosensors of the chemical and molecular dynamics of macromolecules in living cells, in Fluorescent and Luminescent Probes for Biological Activity, 2nd Ed. W.T. Mason, ed., Academic Press, London, 1999. PDF

Giuliano, K.A., Post, P.L., Hahn, K.M. and Taylor, D.L. Fluorescent protein biosensors, in The Cytoskeleton, Spudich, ed. Annual Reviews Inc., 1996, pp. 107-136.

Giuliano, K., Post, P.L., Hahn, K.M. and Taylor, D.L.  Fluorescent protein biosensors: Measurement of molecular dynamics in living cells. Ann. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct., 24: 405-434, 1995. Online article | PDF

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